#33 The Mystery of the Purple Pirate

By William Arden (Dennis Lynds), 1982
Keyhole Cover, Robert Adragna cover, 1982.
Bullseye pb, Finelle art 1991
Back to Original Series page.
Knopf "Bullseye" Paperback Edition 
First Printed: June 1991 
Cover Art: Dominick Finelle 
Internal Illustrations: None
ISBN: 0-679-81174-5

First Printing Identifier: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 numberline on the copyright page.

Notes: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. is a subsidiary of Random House.
Random House "Keyhole" Paperback Edition 
First Printed: 1982 
Cover Art: Robert Adragna 
Internal Illustrations: None
ISBN: 0-394-84951-5

First Printing Identifier: 1234567890 numberline on the copyright page.
Random House GLB Hardbound Edition 
First Printed: 1982 
Cover Art: Robert Adragna 
Internal Illustrations: None
ISBN: 0-394-94951-X

First Printing Identifier: 1234567890 numberline on the copyright page.